University of Rhode Island URI research foundation to lead defense manufacturing coalition

New England Council member, University of Rhode Island’s Research Foundation, has been tapped to lead a defense manufacturing partnership eligible for up to $5 million in federal funding.
If the coalition were to receive the funding, under the title Rhode Island Manufacturing to Accelerate the Defense Ecosystem’s R.I. Made project, it will provide a variety of financial resources to help Rhode Island companies engaged in defense projects. The financing will include around 50 small business assistance grants to prioritize manufacturers in automation, robotics, cyber resiliency, and risk mitigation sectors. The U.S. Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation chose URI and its partnership to put in a bid for the grant. This funding can go to support the maritime defense industrial base.
Rhode Island Rep. David Cicilline said, ‘[this coalition] allows Rhode Island to seek new federal funding to build critical workforce skills, expand infrastructure, and improve research and development, with the goal of enhancing regional capabilities and strengthening national security innovation.”
The New England Council wishes the University of Rhode Island Research Foundation the best of luck in its endeavors.
Read more from the Providence Business Journal.