NEC Urges DEA to Allow Continued Flexibility for Telehealth Prescribing

On March 31, 2023, The New England Council’s Healthcare Committee submitted a comment letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Diversion Control Division. The letter came in response to a Proposed Rule by the agency to address the upcoming end of the public health emergency, and specifically outlined changes to telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances.
Identified as a high priority by the Healthcare Committee members, the Council was eager to weigh in on this important issue and emphasize the desperate need for ongoing accessibility of mental health, substance use disorder, and other medical care via telemedicine. In the comment letter, the Council raised concerns over timing as well as other components of the proposed rule, and urged the Administration to continue to engage with stakeholders in the region.
We are grateful to committee members for raising this important issue. For more information on the Council’s Healthcare Committee please contact Sean Malone.