John Hancock CEO Marianne Harrison To Retire, New CEO Named

John Hancock, a New England Council member and Boston-based financial services company, has announced that current CEO Marianne Harrison will retire in April and be suceeded by Brooks Tingle, who currently runs the core insurance business.
Harrison spent 20 years with the company and her last 5 years were spent leading John Hancock, as she served as the first woman to do so. In 2020, Harrison was honored by the New England Council as “New Englander of the Year.” Harrison has been training Tingle to be her successor, as he spent 35 years with John Hancock and ultimately worked as head of the insurance business and transformed the perspective of the company toward life insurance.
“When you love what you do, a decision like this is never easy,” Harrison wrote to the 6,000 employees at John Hancock. “As I look back on my twenty years with the company and five leading John Hancock, I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished together, and I do mean together, as it is all about the people and I will miss you all very much.”
The New England Council commends Marianne Harrison for the important work she has done during her tenure at John Hancock and wishes her much success in her future endeavors. We look forward to working with Mr. Tingle in his new role.
Read more from the Boston Globe.