Healthcare Committee Hosts Post-Election Policy Outlook Briefing

On December 11, The New England Council’s Healthcare Committee hosted a briefing for Council members focused on the outlook for federal healthcare policy in the 117th Congress and under the incoming Biden Administration. This briefing was part of a series of Post-Election Policy Outlook programs that the Council presented in the weeks following the 2020 election.
The virtual meeting featured presentations from Ann Jablon, Partner at Capitol Counsel LLC, and Amy Carnevale, Government Affairs Advisors at K&L Gates. Deirdre Savage of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts moderated the discussion.
Some of the topics discussed included a recap of the 2020 election cycle, a look at the lame duck congress and potential provisions included in year-end spending and COVID-19 relief bills, a House and Senate committee and leadership breakdown, and an analysis of bipartisan issues that Congress could consider in 2021.
We are grateful to Ann and Amy for taking the time to share their expertise and insight. If you have question about the Council’s Healthcare Committee, or would like a recording of this session, please contact Sean Malone at