Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Hosts Post-Election Policy Outlook

On November 17, 2020, The New England Council’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hosted a briefing for Council members focused on the outlook for both transportation and infrastructure issues for the new 117th Congress and under the incoming Biden Administration. This briefing was part of a series of a series of Post-Election Policy Outlook programs that the Council presented in the weeks following the 2020 presidential and congressional elections.
The virtual meeting featured presentations from former Representatives Frank Guinta (R-NH) and Michael Capuano (D-MA), both of whom served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee during their tenures in Congress. Currently in the private sector, each continues to delve in transportation and infrastructure issues: Mr. Guinta at ML Strategies and Mr. Capuano at Foley & Lardner. Both firms are NEC members. New England Council President and CEO Jim Brett moderated the discussion.
Some of the topics discussed included the need for passing an infrastructure package but finding ways to pay for it; public-private partnerships; immediate requirements of the transportation sector related to COVID-19; broadband as an infrastructure necessity; a focus on climate and resiliency in infrastructure; the federal gas tax and transportation trust funds; Amtrak and regional rail; issues affecting airlines and airports; and the impact of the New England congressional delegation.
We are grateful to both former Members of Congress for taking the time to share their expertise and insight. If you have any questions about the Council’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, or would like a recording of this session, please contact Peter Phipps at