Trade Working Group Hosts Post-Election Policy Outlook Briefing

On December 19, 2020, The New England Council’s Trade Working Group hosted a briefing for Council members focused on the outlook for U.S. and international trade issues for the new 117th Congress and under the incoming Biden Administration. This briefing was part of a series of a series of Post-Election Policy Outlook programs that the Council presented in the weeks following the 2020 presidential and congressional elections.
The virtual meeting featured presentations from Trade Working Group Chair Viji Rangaswami of Liberty Mutual and special guest Nasim Fussell of Holland and Knight. Both Viji and Nasim have years of experience handling trade issues and both have served as Chief Trade Counsel in Congress; Nasim for the Senate Finance Committee and Viji for the House Ways and Means Committee’s Subcommittee on Trade.
Some of the topics discussed included such items as how Mr. Biden would likely view trade as an extension of foreign policy; the treatment of China by the incoming Administration; the possibility of the continuation of tariffs; USMCA enforcement issues in Congress and the Administration; concerns with the World Trade Organization; Trade Promotion Authority renewal; relations with the UK, European Union, and other regions; and the elevation of former associate and counterpart, Katherine Tai, to the position of U.S. Trade Representative.
We are grateful to both Nasim Fussell and Viji Rangaswami for taking the time to share their expertise and insight. If you have any questions about the Council’s Trade Working Group, or would like a recording of this session, please contact Peter Phipps at