Financial Services Committee Hosts Series of Post-Election Policy Outlook Briefings

Following this year’s Presidential and Congressional elections, The New England Council’s Financial Services Committee hosted a series of briefings for Council members that focused on the outlook for federal financial services policy in the 117th Congress and under the incoming Biden Administration. These briefings were part of a series of Post-Election Policy Outlook programs that the Council presented in the weeks following the 2020 election.
The virtual meetings featured presentations from Republican Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-2), former Democratic Congressman Michael Capuano (MA-7)–now Director of Public Affairs at NEC member Foley & Lardner, and Ms. Kara Getz, Chief Counsel for Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee.
Some of the topics discussed included Republican and Democratic financial services policy priorities for the next session of Congress, COVID-19 relief negotiations and expectations, retirement savings policy, tax extenders and the impact a large-scale infrastructure bill would have on the financial services industry.
We are grateful to Congressman Huizenga, Congressman Capuano and Ms. Getz for taking the time to share their expertise and insight. If you have question about the Council’s Financial Services Committee, or would like a recording of this session, please contact Griff Doherty at