NEC Financial Services Committee Establishes Four Subcommittees

As the New England Council Financial Services Committee (FSC) continues to grow, so do the policy issues that the committee works on. With that in mind, the Council has decided to establish subcommittees for each of the different sub-sectors that are part of the larger Financial Services Committee. The goal of the subcommittees is to:
- Assist the FSC in identifying important issues and legislation and developing the Council’s positions on those topics.
- Assist the FSC in identifying topics/speakers for either committee meetings or Council events.
We believe that this system will lead to more member engagement on specific policy issues as well as bolstering content and programming for specific topics within the Financial Services industry. Each subcommittee is open to any committee members who are interested in being involved and taking a more active role in the Council’s advocacy and programming as it relates to the financial services industry.
The four subcommittees are:
- Banking
- Credit Unions
- Insurance
- Retirement Savings and Investments
Each subcommittee will meet virtually 2-3 times per year, and will also connect and communicate via email in the interim
Please note that participation is not a requirement, and the full Committee will continue to meet and host events regularly. If you have any questions, please contact Griffin Doherty at