ATC and USES launch partnership
New England Council members, American Tower Corp. (ATC), and United South End Settlements (USES) have formed a partnership to address connectivity challenges, specifically for students in the Boston area. ATC, a Fortune 500 company specializing in communications infrastructure, collaborated with USES, a nonprofit focused on poverty alleviation, to upgrade Wi-Fi and provide technology resources for students in USES’ remote learning program during the pandemic.
Recognizing the importance of connectivity in fostering opportunity and inclusion, the partnership will extend to various initiatives, including supporting connectivity at USES’ summer camp, exchanging ideas between leadership teams, and collaborating on volunteer projects. The partnership aims to create a significant impact in addressing societal challenges.
“To break the generational cycle of poverty and work toward a more just and equitable society requires more neighbors to connect with neighbors, for companies and nonprofits to think creatively about partnerships, and, in our case, to design co-created models that leverage connectivity to promote economic mobility and more inclusive communities,” said ATC senior vice president, legal and chief sustainability officer Mneesha Nahata and USES CEO Jerrell Cox in a joint statement.
The New England Council congratulates American Tower Corp. and United South End Settlements for this important partnership.
Read more from the Boston Business Journal.